I had a severe scabies infection last year which lasted for months...the intense itching about put me over !! My dermatologist didn't confirm the scabies until he (at my insistence) finally took some tissue samples, along with biopsy. .I went through 3 treatments for the scabies before everything cleared. My skin is now so sensitive and ugly. I still have recurrent sores that come and go on my arms, stomach and legs. I pick at the scabbing and the whole process starts over again. However, there is no more scabies, so says the dermatologist. The dermatologist says I now have what they call "neurotic coriations". On referral from dermatologist, I went to psychiatrist and she put me on Lexapro for an anxiety disorder. These sores have pus in them sometimes...or a little string of white pimple-like things and bleed like crazy when I pull off the scabs. Does this sound like a staph infection ?? I'm about to go nuts. BTW, these sores do not itch. They're just sore to the touch. In my 72 years, this is the very first time I have ever had any kind of dermatology issues ! I don't have a lot of faith in this dermatologist...he first diagnosed the problem as eczema.