I had a waterski accident in my 20's and the Dr. in Kingston at the time kept telling me to ice it everytime i went to see him. A year later we moved to Chatham Ont. and i saw a Dr. who gave me dye in the knee and told me i got there just in time as the cartlage had worked it's way in to the ligament and he operated soon after. In the last 10 years i have had increasing pain to the point where the pain is not just on the outside of my knee but in front when i walk and use stairs and keeps me awake at night and i don't like treating pain with aspirine. I am 72, very fit, excercise regularly. I finally complained to my doctor here in Windsor last year and had an exray but no followup, when i complained recently to him again I asked to see an orthopedic surgeon, he suggested i excercise at a rehabilitation centre first and he also gave me the name of a orthopecic surgeon to contact.
Unfortunately the surgeon's office has cancelled my appointment 3 times now. A gentleman at the
rehab centre highly recommended a Chatham doctor to me today, Dr. Jonathan Jones as he had surgeries by him and the wait is 1/4 of the time compared to getting it done here in Windsor which could be 1 1/2 to two years. Any???