I had an ear infection and pneumonia over the last several weeks. Went back for a follow up, pnemonia cleared from antibiotics. Still was having ear and sinus pain. They said the ears looked clear of infection but had congestion, fluid around them. Gave me another antibiotic, which I'm just finishing. Still having troubles w my ears - feels clogged and throwing my thinking off, so I tried hydrogen peroxide in them yesterday. Just a few drops, let sit in there for a few minutes, dumped it out. One ear, the originally infected ear, bubbled a lot, the other ear not so much. My ears are now burning. Definitely didn't make things better. Do you think I possibly did major damage or just killing off bacteria, etc and it temporarily "burned" my ear?? Have an appointment on Fri, just not sure if I need quicker evaluation, or it's no real big deal. Advice please!! Is peroxide safe in the ear???