I had an ultra sound of the abdomen and the report said mild-moderate left hydro nephrosis. Renal echo texture is normal no shadowing or stones. My blood pressure has been up monitoring. It has been as high as 171/97pulse 60; 162/88, 147/81 pulse 58, 149/80 pulse 61; 137/81 pulse63; 140/76 pulse 73; 143/75 pulse 69 to 131/69 pulse 70.
My albumin was 4.0 normal range, Hemoglobin 12.8 normal, Hematocrit 37.1 normal, bun was 21 (normal 7-75 mg/dL). Creatinine 1.10 high per results. eGFR was low 53. Have an appointment with urologist in 2 weeks. Have had feeling of need to urinate and little comes then have had long streams. Have been drinking a lot of water trying to keep flushing the kidneys. Felt pressure and almost feeling of UTI tonight. Very worried of kidney failure and possible heart issue of elevated BP or possible bladder? Cancer. ? Advice please and Thank You