I had casual, protected sex.. or at least to my knowledge. I actually watched him put on the condom before we started having sex.. he ejaculated once, we had sex again and I watched him put on another condom.. mid way during sex, we were in front of a mirror and when he pulled out, he was not wearing a condom! Now days prior to this, I did do a bit of drinking with my girlfriends ,and my diet has not been exactly been up to par and I haven't been stooling regularly. I say all of this because I'm not sure if I am just freaking out or if I am pregnant from the 3-5 mins of unprotected sex. I urinated very frequently for a few days, I feel like my stomach has hardened & I may feel a bit nauseated throughout the day sometimes.. like I said, I don't know if my mind is convinced that I am pregnant because I can't stop thinking about it. Are those symptoms pointing towards pregnancy?