I had cataract from my exposure to radiation of plutonium, uranium and uranlynitrate I handled at National Laboratory for two years(1976-1978) in nuclear defense of USA. Government kept quiet when I retired from my deteriorating eyesight and mysterious diasease in jan 2000. Dr. Ernest Sternglass, Prof/Director of the University Pittsburgh reviewed my 300-page medical files/history and said, Your symptoms are signs of a radiation victim. See a specialist." No American doctors at 10 major Medical Centers including Johns Hopkins, MayoClinic and UCLA medical hospitals refused to see me. I e-mailed specialists in Germany, Sweden, UK and Japan. German doctors asked me to bring my complete radiation records to compare the outcomes of Chromasome Aberration Study, but I was stonewalled by NRC doctors and radiation staff.
US Senate Lavor Committee Chairman Edward M.Kennedy and my Congressman made Congressional
inquires, but NRC ignored it. After 4.5 years, NRC released my 39-page radiation records dated 9/20/2006.
It was 33 days after my radiation OWCP FECA claim was denied 8/18/2006. I made a timely Appeal dated/mailed 8/17/2007 for reconsideration with my 7 medical/dental expert opinions, my 39-page NRC radiation records.
I had 8 surgery(RK in 1982 and cataract surgery in 2005 and 2008). It didn't hel me much except blurring foggy vision. The eye doctor who did cataract surgery recommended a piggybacg surgery and sent me for a seond opinion to another eye doctor. He examined my eyes and recommended no piggyback surgery.
Yesterday(12/1/2014), I went to another Ophthalmologist for his opinion. He did not recommend a piggy-back surgery. I need your opinion. RK surgery was the state of art for cataracts and nearsightedness in
June 1982. Laisk became available inlate 1980s. What is your opinion. I also considered corneta trans-plant,
but all doctoes objected to it. Could you advise me?