I had clear-like pimples come on the back of each of my hands & they itched like crazy. Then I went to the beach; stayed 2 days and came home. I was fine when I left the beach but when I'd traveled approximately 20 miles, I can't remember anything about my trip. I waked up at home when a neighbor who had been called by a mutual friend (who had called me) came calling to let her in. I went to the door, opened it & went back to sleep. My daughter & daughter-in-law carried me to the emergency room; they checked me & said I had a UTI. I was given an antibiotic & told to see my primary doctor in 1 to 2 days. I did. I've had lab tests, CAT Scan, etc. & I still slept day & night for a week. I had dental work done about 4 to 5 weeks ago and my mouth and face has been as thou one had taken sandpaper to it. This is the beginning of week 3, since I went to sleep, and I am beginning to feel a little better. The backs of my hands have turned red where the pimples had been and now they are beginning to dry up. No doctor has been able to tell me why I slept for almost a week, day & night or why the backs of my hands and my face are like they are. Can you help me understand what has happened to my body and tell me what I should do? By the way, my birthday is 7-31-33. Thank you.