I had knee surgery took norco for approx 1 year. Then had second surgery for other knee. I am 68 years . The surgeon told me to increase my norco to 2 pills every 4 hours. Even when I was in rehah for 3 week they gav me norco 2 pills every 4 hours. I am now home from rehab and my primary doctor gave me a prescription for norco, which I can't get refilled for one week. My primary doctor told me my surgeon was giving me too many. Now I am out and she said my law she can not give me any until the date of my prescription. What are the withdrawal systoms. I have pain and take advil 200mg about 12-14 in a 24 hr period. I have shortening of breath , tired, no appetite. Oxygen level is 94, pulse 84. Am I havig a heartattack, or withdrawals. What can I do?