I had mild tonsil are ectopia(less than5mm) on March 05,2015.slightly prominent central canal of cervical cord seen.bulging disc seen at C3-C4,C4-C5,C5-C6 narrowing the spinal canal and slightly indenting the cord surface.Nodule noticed in right lobe of thyroid. I had lymph node in left side it appears and disappears frequently and now there is a lymph node in right side in the neck.when I ate pizza,cheese,ice tea,the next day when I brush my teeth,blood comes.moreover now I had 2 black heads ,one near rat.ear ,another lower side of the jaw and another one in right side of the neck.what can I do to recover from this.From July month,I regularly going for walking,swing,I do eye exercise there,do yoga on Wednesday and Sunday,from one month before I joint to play tabletennis.I had severe cold and running nose. From Thursday.Can you give me a solution for this.I am not able to talk with others as I am ten years before and I am not able to smile. I have temporary memory loss.