I had my tonsils removed, due to large pockets that collected debris/infectious bacteria(tonsil stones?) at the age of 34.(7yrs ago)
Since then, my throat has somehow created pockets, as well. It also appears as though I have some throat upsets.
The last 2 days, I've been having moderate/
severe pain in my neck & throat. I see what appears to be 3 tonsil stones in back of throat. The lymph nodes under my jaw are very painful to the touch. The are also getting swollen. The right side being a bit worse than the left side. When I bend down, to do something, the pain & pressure is unbearable!
It hurts to eat/swallow...
Also, I've noticed some kind of foamy substance comes out of the pockets, where my tonsils used to be, on both sides. The foamy substance comes out, when I flex my throat.
Any ideas/thoughts??