I had sex about two weeks ago, right after having sex I started my period. My concern isn't about starting my period after that cause that is normal, my concern is all the things that have happened after that. Almost a week after my hemorrhoids got swollen badly and I was bleeding a lot its been difficult go to the bathroom. The last time I had a problem with my hemorrhoids was 6 years ago but it wasn't as bad as it is now, this time I had a lot of blood like I was on a heavy period. That is only one of my concers the other is my ovaries are swollen for about 3 days now and they hurt my right side is worse then the left, I'm not sure why they are if it's because my hemorrhoids or what. My last one and biggest worry is that about a week after having sex I now have a canker sore kind of thing on my vagial lip, it's a little white but mostly the color of my skin. I've had canker sores before but in my mouth and I haven't gotten them in a long time since I have been taking l-lysine. I'm not sure what it is but now after I used some medical wipes yesterday today I woke up with two tiny little red bumps next to the canker sore so I'm not sure if I got the two bumps from the wipes or what's going on or if it's something bad. I also don't have anything in my mouth just on my vagial lip. I have also been using a new body wash for about 3 weeks now, it's an antibacterial body wash I use it because I have tinea versicolor not sure if that could be doing anything which I don't think it would. But top of all of this I have been since since Thanksgiving so not sure if that could be some kind of cause for some of this. Sorry if this is all confusing because I'm confused on what's going on with my body right now.