I had very rough unprotected sex last Fri evening with what I will call a stranger. Within an hour of finishing I noticed an abnormally red vein leading to this spot, the spot is roundish 5mm? in diameter and on the shaft of my penis. Is is on the skin, not under it, definitely not a cut, no skin rupture or fluid leakage, the spot is VERY slightly raised maybe slightly shinier then the rest of my penis. I iced the spot immediately upon noticing it, being sure to not over do it. In the AM the vein wasn't red but the spot remained and in last few days has made me very nervous. I THINK your body wont show STD or STI symptoms this quickly. I would REALLY love, and much appreciate some advice on this and if there is anything I can do to speed up the healing. If you want/need more info please ask. I can not get a picture at this time. THANKS for you help in advance!