I have PAH and associated edema. I use Letairis and have briefly tried Adcirca. Quite honestly, however, I don't think this website provides useful data on those drugs. If anything, I suspect that the results shown here are more indicative of the side effects of the disease than the side effects of the drugs. Certainly those two issues are entangled in your data. Admittedly, collecting data of this sort is fraught with problems of accuracy and especially interpretation. I think what you are trying to do is noble, but you need to be upfront about the usefulness of the data. If i were to see your list for the two drugs I mention above, I would be put off from using them. They both list their top result as DEATH. On the other hand, these drugs may well help prevent my death. I think you are presenting a picture of the "facts" that cries out for a proper perspective. At the moment, you are not supplying that perspective up front.