I have Stage 4 Lung Cancer which developed from my exposure to the toxin, Agent Orange, while serving in Combat, in Vietnam, from 1965-67. Which the VA has determine it service-related, and I have been trying to get the Primary-Care doctor, at the VA, to provide me with my Rx's. I came off Hospice Care in 2014, when they determined I was not dying fast enough, an did not meet the Medicare criteria. Instead, these doctor has been treating for having emphysema, and not for the cancer. I have never been Dx, treated, or prescribed any Rx for the condition of COPD. Note: I do not smoke! So, what advise do you have for this over-sight? If you read the news I am sure you are familiar with the 'Scandal' the VA has poised on the Veterans in this country, and not getting the proper care they deserve, and earned. So here is a classic example.