I have Type II diabetes. I have seen the same urologist for years. I've had severe ED for a while. I've been treated with Viagra.Cialis, penile vacuum therapy, testosterone injections, all with no effect. I even begged him to do a penile implant. He blew me off. i've also had BPH and incontinence. of gradually increasing severity. The doctor did nothing, Urination became painful as my prostate grew bigger and very hard. I had severe bladder spasms frequently, with incontinence, and the dr. asked if I was wearing briefs!! Finally, when I called and told his partner I'd begun urinating blood, he admitted me to the ER. after the usual routine tests the RN asked me to provide a urine sample, and I filled the urinal with blood. my dr. arrived on the scene after a long delay, and decided to do the long postponed treatment of my painful problem. He performed a laser TURP (finally). When I woke up from the anesthesia, I had worse pain and more bladder spasms than ever. I was in such agony that I stayed awake all night. The cure was worse than the disease. Since then I have resigned myself to being incontinent and having a penis that is like a limp noodle. Boy, what a great date I'll be!!! I'm going to sign up for eHarmony and Match.com. Male seeking female. Hobbies blah,blah, blah. Age 60. 6ft., race Caucasian, 245lbs. Blah,Blah,Blah. ad infinitum......INCONTINENCE, LIMP PENIS. Very sexy. ladies,quite a catch!!