I have a basilar anyrsum that i have had 2 surgeries on. The 2nd surgery i had a peritonetal bleed that they missed and i lost most of my blood and suffered severe loss of blood & oxygen to my brain. That resulted in permanent brain trauma. I have to take plavix for the rest of my life. I bruise beyond easily even when i am not in what my "episodes". My episodes come once a month and entail anything from 1 day of just feeling a little off to a week where i have to use a walker, have slurred speech, can't sleep hardly at all and for most times only 5 or 10 minutes waking feeling like i was wide awake and slept an entire night. At it's worst...i have to have my food cut for me, as well as spoon fed to me, i fall and break bones, cannot get myself un alone, cannot remember things i saw, was said to me, what i said, how i hurt myself, or much of anything!!! What i really need to know is if there are ANY permanent or serious damages that may result from these permanent ongoing bruises!!! I pray you can give me a helpful answer! All helpful ways to heal the bruises would be just as appreciated!!!