I have a friend, 43 year old female, very healthy, cycles 3-4 times a week, 20 to 60 miles for the last 3 years. She felt bad. I told her to go to her doctor because of her symptoms of headache, worsening when she laid down, malaise, tired & sleepy. She had been on BP medicine in past, but was apparently inconsistent with her monitoring or taking her medicine for her high BP. She went to her PCP today & several BP readings were taken. Initially it was 168/121! I told her that was ICU level of severe hypertension that must be lowered immediately & going forward, consistenly. She blew it off because the PCP wasnt excited about it, & just lowered her daily dose of propranolol, by a bit, & made it bid. Then sent her home with no follow up plans or warnings. I find this obsurd, but am trying to get her to see another MD who takes their work seriously with regard to patient outcomes. What shoud she do in your opinion? Urgent care center to get it down?