I have a friend that's out of,town,thay,is having sever problems that has had,extreme problems with her,boyfriend n,long,time job N,she is,extreamly bipolor. She is,has hit extram I mean,extreme extreme mainea n now hiopmaine n,is so,expressed she wants to,take a large,about of lorazepam, somas, vicotin 10's and patassium tablets,from when,she,didn't take them when,she,had the,40milligrams of folisiside. She has never,attempted. Im,trying to,get her to,come to,Tyler from fort worth.
Vicotin 10 (2× to,3) when,bad, soma 3.50, lorazapan 1milg (3), selxprax 200 (2xd), strssed to,more 2 lorazipa,than,normal noe,more than (3xd) normal,script. To make 30pmilgs 3's. Exteam,migraine biolorn2, expream. Pain,manihor orthotic masagige. Cronric for shold,pain, n head. She,wants,to vomit sucide,n,im,trhing to,get her here,to hep,her,with,out,loosing her job!!!!!!! Be,caise,of,all,this she,might,loose her,job. She,is,a very dedicated worker,n,shehas a,daughter her parent s have half, has half custody of her daughter her in tyler, tx. Please help!!!!!!!!! She is rapid cycling again. I need,her here to,walk her. Help!!!!!!! Im,begging u.!!!! CALL ME PLEEASE!!! I PROMISED NO HOSIPAL!!!! SHAY HAS DONE THIS BUT NOT AS BAD IN THE PAST. PLEASE IM BEGGING U CALL ME. 903 574 5096