I have a large painful boil in my left buttock cheek close to my rectum, which seemed to be developing as expected toward maturity when I had hoped it would drain. however over the last day or so i have noticed bright red blood and and some yellowish fluid draining from it, while the remainder remains hard, swollen and painful. Previous to the painful swelling I had been experience a great deal of itching from hemorrhoids and in general over my perineum which i had tried a number of remedies for, none of which was able to keep me from scratching the area. Which is likely how I got the area infected. My concern is that the bleeding is a sign that i should seek medical attention instead of trying to conntinue to wait or the boil to burst. I have been tryong to keep the area clean and applying triple antibiotic ointment, and using Nupercainal on the hemorrhoids to keep from intense iching. Do you think I should call my doctor?