I have a large problem, please read this carefully. I'm on my first month of birth control, and I started my little "reminder" pills Sunday night, it's Friday night and I still haven't gotten a period. About 6 days before my projected period start date, me and my boyfriend were messing around and he came, and his sperm hot outside of my shorts. My shorts and panties are somewhat thin, but I'm not even entirely sure if the Sperm reached all the way through the mesh shorts and my panties, and if it did it would have only hit my clitoris. Like I said, I'm 5 days late for my period with no bleeding, except for one little spot when I wiped when I went to the bathroom, but I'm not even sure if that was period blood or if I just scratched my vagina opening or something. Also, I have brown discharge and I was cramping earlier tonight. What is going on, and do you personally think I'm pregnant?