I have a long history of colon and rectal problems, had rectal prolapse,rectocele,cisticile,pop surgeries in 2007,Transvaginal mesh materials and devices were used,I have never felt well after surgery,I went to so many Dr's in the DFW area that misdiagnosed and made me feel like I was loosening my mind.Finally went to UCLA in Los Angelas Cal. Wedgwood ,saw 3 Dr's,had 4-5 test,Diognoses was that I had Transvaginal mesh inside my Rectume ,V---na & surrounding tissues .i also have a medical device inside my colon .
I had a colonoscopy in 11-2014,the doctor said nothing about a strings looking thing in my colon,I questioned it, tried to tell me that the white object inside my colon was a water bubble,one dr said it was a reflection. Lol I told them they were Lieing and evidently cared more for Johnson & Johnson than they did for me. That is when I went to California.
That was 5 months ago,I also had a Pollip which they removed,now I am wanting to have a very Good colonoscopy,the very best I can get,my insurance has approved the follow up colonoscopy I just want to make sure I am going to the right place that knows how to spot and photograph these problems.
When I sit,I feel like I am sitting on a Pinecone,I have a rectal infection constantly,in 2011 I had mesh material hanging out of my rectume,I went to see the dr who put it in and he was pissed at me,said it was all in my head. I have been through pure Hell.