I have a lot of questions about HPV. My boyfriend of 2 months has one of the strains that causes warts (diagnosed 2 years ago). We have made-out, he has given me oral, I have given him hand-jobs, and he has given me hand-jobs, but we haven't gone further than that. I have had the Gardasil 4 shots. I also know from what he has told me that he has had 7 previous partners and he had unprotected sex with most of them, but I think he was only with 5 of them for a single encounter. I have only had one partner who I wasn't sure of his history, but he wore a condom. I am just very worried that I am putting myself at risk for warts or cancer (or other things even though his non-hpv tests came back negative after over three months without a partner). So, here are some of my questions:
1. Can some wart-causing strains also cause cancer?
2. Since he was diagnosed about 2 years ago and he is not having any symptoms, how likely is it that it will be spreadable to me?
3. Should I be worried about the activities we have already engaged in?
4. Is throat cancer something I should be worried about in regard to kissing him? He was only diagnosed in the genital area, but I think he gave the same girl oral, so maybe he got it there too and didn't show symptoms.
5. Do I need to worry about any other STDs/STIs that he might be carrying? As I said, he had a blood test that came back negative approximately 6 months after his latest encounter.
6. What activities can I safely engage with him in? I want to kiss him. We are not in too much of a rush on the rest.
7. If I have sex with him in the future and don't develop any symptoms, am I safe to assume I didn't get it because of my vaccines, or would I still have to tell future partners?