I have a lump under my right arm, in armpit. It's about an inch in diameter, sore (especially when touched/pushed), and hard. I first noticed the lump under my arm 2 days ago. i started working out Dec. 9th and worked out everyday till the 13th. (squats, planks, crunches, push ups) The soreness started about 5 days ago and i assumed it was from working out so i didn't actually check for "abnormalities" till two days ago and that's when i discovered the lump and realized that's where the pain is coming from.
other symptoms: ive had a cold for about 3 weeks and i'm almost over it now. ive had on and off headaches for the last 4 days or so (i never get headaches). no fever, no redness on lump, no drainage, no cut on arm or armpit, no infections anywhere. i dont have herpes or aids or mono. i havent taken any medications or vaccinations recently. c
I have had breast problems in the past (doctors have said its due to birth control. ive been on different methods for 9 years) i currently have a lump in right breast but doctors have just told me to keep an eye on it. it has been there for at least 2 years and from time to time it is sore(sore now). i also have little "balls" in both breasts that i was told is probably balls of tissue, caused by BC. ive tried suggesting a mammogram and they have said im to young (24 years old). Breast cancer does run in my family.