I have a respiratory infection, coughing up yellow thick mucous, low grade temp at times, wheezing really bad at night stopping sleep, a sore right ear and a stuffed nose. This is 6 days on now I am taking an inhaler , flonase, robitussin for congestion and I have no relief. In the past an antibiotic always seemed to work giving my body a chance to fight back. Now a days you can't get an antibiotic prescribed and its frustrating. I know my body. I do not have this problem often, last time probably 2 years ago. I am 64 years old, have had bypass surgery in 1991 and have been fine. I take a cholesterol pill, a blood pressure pill a baby aspirin and isosorbide for angina especially after eating a heavy meal. I am a male. I have some amoxicillin and clavulanate left over from a previous illness would it hurt to take this? Thank you.