I have a sharp burning pain deep in my lower right abdomen
I have numerous swollen lymph nodes (groin, armpit, breast, and in my lower left belly just above my pelvic area)
Recently I’ve notice that my arm and legs especially my calves are swollen or excess fat.
I have always had Horrible PMS and swollen nodes.
I’ve had a sonogram done and nothing was found (last year my endocrinologist said due to my rapid weight gain I was experiencing imbalanced hormones) last year I was 310 pound now I weigh 214 pounds (what’s odd is during the time I was 310 pound my blood test was fine (Blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid) were all fine
My Vitamin was very low I needed a prescription and my sugar was borderline (that’s because I added more fruits than vegetable it in my morning cold press vegetable juice)
I am not a fan of alcohol because my face tingle and get hot, but of the two times this year I had alcohol (a cup of wine cooler in June and quarter glass of white wine just last week) I notice that It promotes inflammation in my Lymph nodes
Please help