I have a special needs child (Palmister-Killian syndrome, PKU, GERD, chronic constipation, G-tube fed, seizure disorder) who is 17 years old, 53 pounds. He has been sleeping for the better part of the last 3 days. On Wednesday he slept all day at school and he "kept acting like he was going to vomit." He was feverish (101.9) that night, I gave Advil; no fever since, but still sleeping. Also wasn't tolerating continuous normal feeds; refluxes, then re-swallows, but gurgle sound in throat; lungs are clear. I stopped feedings, and switched to pedialyte, 30mL/hr. Currently, I can arouse him, he even ate 5 bites of baby food for me, before falling back to sleep. He will also drink water from a straw, then back to sleep. Do we wait it out, or take him in to doctor?