I have a very irregular period, but whenever I do happen to menstruate, I have a quite heavy flow. This in itself isn't worrisome, but the sensation I get while bleeding may be. While there is visually nothing out of the ordinary, my labia majora feel extremely swollen, hot, and sore, sometimes almost numb. It comes and goes, and only lasts for as long as the heaviest menstrual bleeding does. Never outside of my period.
It feels similar to having an injury on, say, the hand, that when relaxed next to the body seems to fill with blood due to gravity, creating an uncomfortable pressure. I have mentioned this to several people who menstruate, and only my mother experiences the same. She has EDS and IBS, but I seem to have been spared those disorders. I have had repeated yeast infections in the past, which may have been influenced by chronic tinea pedis since before I began menstruating. Both infections have recently been dealt with in full, but the swollen sensation during heavy flow only hasn't abated.
Any idea what causes this (besides the increased blood flow to the genital area for obvious reasons)? And more to the point, is it a rare condition or cause for concern?
Thank you kindly for your time.