I have an acute severe stabbing pain from my left scapula through my left armpit. The ongoing pain is very easily aggravated by any movement. Then, I'll get a pain that feels like a knife going in in the armpit area...it's among one of the worst pain I've experienced, and I've experienced a lot of pain. This started out slowly with just a tight muscle feeling in and under the scapula, and daily got worse. I have DDS with two back fusions, L-5/S-1 and L-2/L3, neck fused C3-C7. I had a compression fracture of the L-1 vertabrae a few months ago. I have a regular neurosurgeon who's done most of my ten surgeries. I have an orthopedic doctor due to my very thin bones which have resulted in three leg bone, ankle, and metatarsul fractures. I'm trying to figure out if I need to go back to my chiropractor for some work (he only uses an activator to do minor movements), or to my surgeon for tests. Any help you can offer?