I have an approx 4 yr old Siamese mix weighing around 12# who has been having diarrhea, then very soft stools with diarrhea, a light brown color all the time. Now while her stools remain soft but w/o diarrhea, I have seen bloody mucus on at least 2 recent occasions. She still eats although it is only wet food (no dry cat food ever), drinks her fair share of water, and is active. She doesn't sleep overlong or show lethargy. She does have eye "stuff" that I clean out when it gets hard. I am concerned about the bloody discharge and that she has now twice exhibited her problem to me on my bed and not in her litter box. She has not done this ever in the several years I have had her. She has left her stools mostly uncovered in her litter box when having the diarrhea but would never go outside of the box much less on my bed - twice in just a few days. Your thoughts?