I have been battling nipple and areola thrush for the past 9 weeks. I have had two courses of oral diflucan. Initially I was treated with diflucan and an all purpose nipple ointment with nystatin. That got rid of the interductal pain, but not the redness, soreness, and swollen nipples. I have seen a LC and her latch is just fine. I have tried coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, vinegar water rinses, apple cider rinses and 1-2 tablespoons daily po, miconozole, and lotramin. My daughter was treated with nystatin for her mouth. However, it hasn't helped. She hasn't had any symptoms up until yesterday. I noticed that she now has a diaper rash. I have seen 3 different providers and spoke to 4 different LC. It still isn't gone. Please help!