I have been diagnosed H. Pylori positive for 2 times and botch times the antibiotics did not work. I also had gastroskopy done 2 times on me and the doctors said my stomach walls are not sore, only the lower part where the food goes out od the stomach. I am now waiting for the lab results yet again to see what they will do with me. The doctor only said that my upper part of the stomach where the food enters it, closes up weak but it does close. So my question is, why do i feel sickness and tightness on the upper part of my stomach right in the center of the ribcage, every single time and i really mean every single time when i make A SINGLE BITE of anything. Whatever it is that i eat let it be fruit meat andything that touches my stomach from the inside, i suffer for 3,4 hours. Because of that i started to puke a lot because I absolutely cannot stand this tightning pain. First I tought it was Acid reflux but when the doc said that my walls are not sore, I really didn't have any clue what it could be wrong. Maybe the bacteria is causing all this but again if that is so, how isn't my stomach sore then. I'm desperate, this has been going on for 1 year and a half already. Please help me :( Andreja from Slovenia