I have been diagnosed as having a complex left ovarian cyst. Around 5.5cm diameter. It is thin walled, containing some thin septations and echogenic/calcified elements but mostly anechoic. There is some free fluid in the left adnexa but no adnexal mass.
Is this implying a dermoid cyst? What course of action would be usual?
Also, a recent blood test determined my fsh level on day three to be 19.5, my lh 6.2. I'm only 29 so have been worried by this. Amh test has yet to be undertaken. (I do take a contraceptive pill).
Is there a relationship between the cyst and high fsh? I appreciate that high fsh indictes low ovarian reserve, but could the cyst be part of the problem or is it more of a symptom?
Which type of professional would you recommend I ask to see about the cyst? I am in the uk, unfortunately it seems not much happens when you visit your gp unless you specifically request it).
Many thanks.