I have been experiencing gas and pain in my upper left chest since Friday, 7/13/2018. Over a couple of days it has moved to my back and left underarm pit. I’m belching a lot and don’t know how to get rid of it. This evening, I noticed two of my fingers were tingling on my left hand. Also, I suddenly developed a hypersensitivity to smells. At school this evening, I became nauseated when I smelled the classroom trash, which was strange because I have always sat by the canister three nights per week close by the door. I noticed the same hypersensitivity to smell and nausea came again when I smelled our pets and when I went to the restroom. I felt the nausea slightly when I smelled family members food. The gas and pain subsides when I rest, and it returns when I don’t get enough sleep. The tingling in my left hand fingers return when I am laying on the left side on the floor. I’m worried about my new hypersensitivity to smells because I’m getting nauseated each time, which recently causes my stomach to cramp. It feels like I have to vomit, but it won’t come. There are too many random symptoms going on in my body right now.