I have been having 30 cc of gamma globulin for 45 years every two weeks. I started with 0. I have B cells but they do not know how to work. My t-cells are very healthy. My levels for years have been between 3 and 5.5. Very, very low. All of a sudden I have a 7.5 reading and have not been feeling at all well. I have been having continuous dizziness and rubber legs. I have had extensive tests for the dizziness , ears, lungs and brain. All results come back with excellence. I also have very, low blood pressure. My usual is 90 over 60, but can go much lower on occasion. Is it possible that I am now getting too much gamma globulin because of the now higher reading? I am a very active woman, aged 73. Would value your opinion. With thanks - Penny Thornton-Trump