I have been in the ER 2X in last 24 hrs and they can't seem to find anything out. it starts 2 days ago with a period of vertigo that eventually passed..BP was normal at the time.
then yesterday driving home from work had some hind of inflammatory response..became hot, flushed from head to toe (in that order) with a burning sensation..I looked like I had a bad sunburn...pulled car over was taken to ER because BP showed to be 190/114...Had CT, Labs, CXR, EKG all normal..BP came down after 5 hr to 134/94 and was discharged...
Went home, slept, and woke up in am with worse headache pain ever felt....went to ER again and on the way started with nausea, and dry heaving..when arrived BP 199/148, 184/137 and eventually back to 129/89..was given solumedrol, IVF, Toradol ....I should mention that I'm a Nurse Manager that doesn't visit the ER except for work...have no health history except 2 cervical fusions that have left me with chronic long term pain that i live with, without meds. There is a long history of stroke in my family, Mother, Father, 2 Sisters, 1 brother, i paternal aunt all with stroke history. I have had history also of 2 TIA, age 26 & 42.
Can you possible help?
I was discharged and informed to monitor BP