I have been on HRT for several years. I am 57 years old and went through Menopause at 54. I have, just in the last 3 months begun bleeding just as you would for a period (every 28 days, again..and it lasts 3 days) I have had a lot of problems with menopause (mood swings, more aches and pains, etc) and the HRT has really improved my quality of life. I am taking Prempro and the dosage had been slightly increased about 6 months ago due to night sweats. During the 3 days of bleeding, I have cramps the first two days, just as I had when I had a regular menstrual cycle. I really hate to give up the HRT as it has helped me so much. I haven't scheduled an office visit yet, because I am worried that she will take me off the HRT. Can you give me some advice, please? Thank you, Melissa Brown YYYY@YYYY