I have been prescribed creon (pancrelipase) by my gastroenterologist who gave me samples that contain 36,000 usp lipase, 114,000 usp protease, and 180,000 usp amylase. I was told to take twice daily with meals. When I read the literature it said not to exceed 10,000 lipase/day/kg bodyweight . I weigh 150 lbs. am I ok taking 2 capsules per day? Also, what is the main use for the medication. I am a brittle type I diabetic( for 45 years, I am now 65) on an insulin pump. My HbA1c runs between 6.8 and 7.9. I have had a radical flare up of IBS-D for 3 months...by radical I mean I am homebound due to the frequency of the diahrhea (every 1 1/2 -2 hrs all day and night. I take between 6-8 Imodium/day and still no results. I was recently approved to take viberzi, but after a month of taking this med I have still not had any change in my bowels. I had a colonoscopy which showed no indications of anything wrong except for mild inflammation of intestines, as well as a CT Scan of my digestive tract (have not heard back the results on the scan yet). This is very confusing to me and I am trying to figure out what I am actually being treated for. My Dr. also put me on flagyl to kill any bacteria that may be in my intestines, even though blood work showed no infection. I also take probiotics to increase the levels of good bacteria. Any thoughts or suggestions on my condition would be appreciated, as well as any questions I should ask my Dr. next week.
Sincerely, Kathy Van Pelt