I have been suffering with pain in the back that started in early March. The pain started in my upper back, across my shoulder blades and up my neck and arms. Went to see my doctor who immediately sent me to the ER for a CT scan w/dye to eliminate heart problems. After 5 hrs. I was released and given Valium to help relax the muscles. Two weeks later I went to my local urgent care facility as my pain continued. The doctor who treated me diagnosed me with Bursitis. I was given Predisone, pain killers and muscle relaxers. Followed up with the urgent care doctor a week later as the pain is now more evident on my back right shoulder and underarm with a shooting pain down my arm. My underarm is swollen and feels tender to the touch as does my entire back shoulder blade area. I was then given an anti inflammatory injection, which did not help. A week ago, I made an appt. with an Ortheopedic Dr. Who took an x-Ray of my right shoulder and could not find anything wrong. He diagnosed me with a possible pulled muscle and gave me a cordisone shot to the area of the right shoulder blade. Pain was somewhat relieved, but now back again. Went back to my doctor to check the swelling under my arm and for the continuing pain. She sent me for a cervical and thoracic X-rays which identified thoracic arthritis and a slightly curved spine, and cervical narrowing. I will be visiting her next week to discuss in detail, as she also sent me for an ultrasound of the underarm which I am having done tomorrow. In the meantime, my pain continues and it looks like it is just a process of elimination with doctor after doctor trying to figure out what's going on. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.