I have been taking Epilim for 25 years to control Generalsied Tonic Clonic seizures. I turned 40, 4 years ago & suddenly started having 20 - 30 episodes a day, which were later identified as Psychogenic. Seiures have ALWAY taken place at night, been intense & resulted in memory loss &injury.
The daytime episodes are a slow collapse (lossof muscle tone) then transition nto convulsions. The differenc being that I can hear, but not respond. I can usually continue with the days tasks after a short rest. Following night seizures I lose my memory for a few days, cannot walk, cannot talk.
In addition to Epilim, I now use Lyrica 75, Pristiq 100, Lorazepam, then at night Temazepam.
I have constant eye pain.
Is epilim now outdated & could be replaced by something more effective, allowing the gradual reduction of Lyrica. I think to some extent the Epilim has clouded my perspective of the world for many years - as if I am experiencing life looking through a window & not actually "feeling" it.
I'd like to get off Epilim. Is that wise
Mrs S (Australia)