I have been tested for heart , lung, and thyroid problems. My cardio tests were fine, and the lung scan was negative for any observable problems. My thyroid was nuked many years ago, and I am on levothyroxine. My TSH level became too high several months ago as identified by the blood test. I am not sure how long my TSH was hyperactive...My levo. was dropped from 88 mg per day to 75. Blood test was done about 2 weeks ago, showing I was back in the acceptable range.
I still have these symptoms. When I do any walking, even just around my house which is not big, I sweat profusely, become short of breath, heart races sometimes and feels like palpitations. Accompanying these symptoms are nausea, dizziness, acid reflux, and overall weakness. Sometimes it takes my breathing rate several hours to get back to my normal rate. I have to sit or lie down to accomplish this.
Could my vagus nerve be stimulating such reactions.?