I have been using cocaine for 5-7 months (began 1-3 times a week and progressed to almost daily the past couple months ), and I always am clearing my nose by blowing to prevent wasting. About 3 months ago, somehow I unintentionally seen up my nose with a flashlight in the Mirror and noticed tons of white mucus looking gunk lining diff areas in my nose. I had already noticed blowing out (mostly in morning) huge amounts of white snot and sometimes painful from being dry and hard. Once I seen inside I felt what I was seeing is what I was blowing out so I began cleaning them out by rolling a qtip and it would roll up and come out. Once I started, it became an ocd habit and I would spend a hour daily cleaning out most the mucus. Then I began noticing more further back in nose which a qtip wouldn't fit so I began also using a metal tool (round end of a pimple popper) to reach further back and drag to q tip range. After this time and continued use of cocaine, the interior of both sides look TERRIBLE! I guess it just has hit me how damaged it's looking. The surfaces are no longer smooth. Now there rough and rugged and while I have pulled out some huge clumps of solid snot I am worried seriously about walls, wondering if what I'm pulling and dragging out is snot or if it's actually TISSUE AND IM SCRAPING MY NOSE CARTILAGE AWAY! I'm stopping use of cocaine once this batch is done and I haven't noticed any holes in septum buy there is tons of rough edges on all sides of walls and layers of the white stuff far back as I can see which is what I try to remove but can't seem to get back there . Also I am addicted to opiates and use on a daily basis and have for almost 7 years. For over 5 years I only snorted prescription pain pills but almost 2 years ago I was introduced to heroin and alternate (mostly herion) on a daily basis. While I'm addicted to opiates, I am not near as dependant on cocaine I just have binged and am ready to completely drop the cocaine no doubt. Besides stopping use immediately, what do u pick up on these symptoms? Thanks in advance.