I have diabetes and take 15 units once daily of Lantus,also take 9 units 3 times daily Novolog.I also take 25mg metoprolol twice daily, I take75mg clopidogrel once daily and 1 Ecotrin 325mg daily. I had a heart attach in 2014- I have 4 stints. Are there any supplements I need to take to help with controling my blood sugar? I've gained 30 lbs since I started Lantus in 2015. My A1c is 10. I'm checking into a supplement from a company called Bio Trust Nutrition, Supplement called IC5. Contains Cinnamon cassia, Naringin,Benfotiamine, and 2 others I can't remember.I found this company on line. I just want something safe to help lower my sugar and weight. Thanks so much for your help.