I have electrical shock feeling started over a month ago in my ears, then nose, jaw, teeth now its in my head feels like in my brain and under eye socket and moving throughout my whole body down my legs and everywhere.
My ears and mainly nose feel like they fill upp with liquid like Im upsude down in water being electrocuted... It hurts and happens daily
On top of all this when I rub my eyes they feel like bleach was poured in them I taste chemicals, in the back of my neck I feel and HEAR ( ITS CREEPING ME OUT SEVERELY ), this crunching fuzzing feeling like rice crispys popping in back of head/neck, and my neck hurts and feels heavy sk does my head
I have ( my baby counted ) 94 red bumps on my back they hurt and itch and now on my neck, shoulders and chest. My heart and chest feel tight and Im dizzy and see clear floatys when I gave my eyes open
My face and hands, feet go numb...
I eat ANY solid food Im in agony.... WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME ?!!
My dr told me OVER a year ago I have a pinched nerve in my neck and I do habe rods and pins in my neck,... Can this be related?!!
Please Help Me!!!