I have had a hypothyroidism condition all my life. Treatment that has been successful is daily Armour Thyroid tabs, at 120 mg/ ...
All I wrote before...full paragraph gone...wiped out, will try again later. Must do something about computer.writing slow because hands damaged, subluxation.
Charlene Elston
Ok...again, please. Have had hypothyroid condition all my life. Armour Thyroid is best treatment...T3 & T4 ...not any lab formula, such as Synthroid. Daily thyroid Armour supplement is 120 mg. higher than that or with another 250 mg sub ( name?) produces heavy sweating down neck and back ...hair dripping...sometimes dizziness when standing, breathing hard. Right NOW though, with Armour, am experiencing hyper-"anxious" feelings, not due to pshocological base. Can't sleep more than 5 hrs....awake most of night, but circadian rhythmn has always been that best productivity is in late PM. Having alarming Loss of Hair...falling out daily with regular brushing ... External conditioning does not help. Is this pituitary problem? Am in a SNF in a wheelchair due to lymphedema wounds, aggravated by ulcers chronically non-healing. Environment itself brings much tension... SKilled Nursing Facility in Orange, California. Staff under-trained, mostly foreign. Will have to look out for myself...should I seek endocrinologist? What other meds beside thyroid supplements...?