I have had an L5-s1 diskectomy/ laminectomy hearniated disk removed from my spine, been diagnosed as having shingles, suffered a Traumatic brain injury had 2 knee surgeries to repair my acl/mcl medial and lateral maniscus and been diagnosed with rhuematoid arthritis, Hypermobility syndrom, and A thyroid nodule in my right thyroid. I constantly have pain in all of my joints headaches daily, upset stomach all day and night, night sweats, chills. Folicolitis, and I have hep-c. I live in Idaho Falls Idaho. There are no DR.s here who can give me a proper diagnosis, but all of my symptoms get worse every day. Could this be Lymes disease? and if not, where can I go for a proper diagnosis of an auto-Immuned disease. I personally feel that Idon't have R.A. most of my joints are hyper extendable, but my hugest struggle in life is stress from never finding relief from pain. And sleep apnea and sleep discomfort. I went to passages The Alcohal and addiction cure center in 2013. They treated me for what they said was ''sensitive.'' However they had me feeling better than I have ever felt in my entire life. I could think clearly, sleep well the pain was easing up. But it only lasted for 16 days out of the 30 day program. They did a vitamin and suppliment treatment that raised my neurotransmitters and did massage and accupuncture weekly. I have tried all of these outside of there and had no such luck feeling better. Today after my 2nd knee surgery, I found out from an mri that my acl and mcl are both completely torn. This has to be an auto-imuned disease that constantly is attacking my body. I am only 31 years old I am completely broke too young to recieve ssd and cannot work. I also cannot comprehend math well enough to make it through college. Where can i go for help. Where can I get a diagnosis. And why has it been impossible after 42 different doctors to find the right diagnosis or treatment? Please help me with some answers I am very dissapointed with this.