I have had braces since July 2nd, 2013. I got an upper canine baby tooth pulled on the left side of my mouth and a bracket and gold chain attached. My orthodontist had threaded my chain for a while, and I went back two days ago, and they did an overlaying wire, and had a wire go through my chain. My tooth is literally so close to peaking out of my gums. It has been five months. How long will it take for it to come down if it is right there at the jaw? My teeth generally do come down slowly, as I am sixteen, and I have an impacted canine. I just wanted to see how much longer it would take, as when it comes down, I can get my braces off, just in time for senior year, hopefully. Also, on another note, I was eating a hard pretzel and accidentally bit down right where the tooth is under my gums and was wondering if that damaged it. I didn’t mean to and it stings a little, so is it okay?