I have had bronchitis for a few weeks and have been taking antibiotics. I can feel that I've gotten better in the last week, however I'm having two symptoms that seem like pulled muscles that are not improving, and may actually be getting worse. On my left side, right above my ribcage, I have this horrible pain when I cough or breathe deeply. At first I was sure it was a pulled muscle but the pain has gotten worse (as my cough has almost gone away), and sometimes it feels like there might be, for lack of a better word, air bubbles moving around where the pain is. When I hold my hand over this area, and the same area on my right side, and cough, I can't feel anything on the right side but I can feel the mucus moving around on my left side. For the second symptom, I had a bad coughing fit this morning and did something horrible to my back. While I was coughing, my lower back popped twice and now it hurts to walk, sit, turn, anything. And when I try to walk, I can feel it kind of popping over and over again with each step. Any advice on what's going on?