I have had persistent sinus infection (only diagnosed due to CT for potential allergies) for about 18 months. The original symptoms led to all sorts of allergy testing. All negative. 4 weeks ago, I had sinuplasty in hopes that the massive amount of nasty stuff in my sinuses would drain and I would be normal again. The procedure helped about 50%. I have been slowly getting more and more congested for about 2 weeks now. Like before, I don't actually have traditional sinus pain. I got a sudden throbbing upper jaw 0ain yesterday, which led to severely sensitive teeth. Not just kne tooth. But the back 3 on my upper left side (I have no wisdom teeth left.) The pain today has been moderate and in the left cheek bone. It has spread to my eye and down to my bottom jaw. No tooth pain at all. Tylanol helps a very little bit. I am avoiding the ER...well, because everyone wants to avoid the ER. Now, at 7 pm, my teeth are starting to hurt again. At this point, I don't know if I need a dentist or a doctor? I'd like to see someone tomorrow. I'm just not sure who?! My mom thinks it's my sinuses. Any suggestions as to the best place to start?