I have had several lumbosacral spine surgeries with fusion from L2-S1 with instrumentation. The first surgery was performed in 1996 and the most recent 2006. I am suffering from atrophy of bilateral gluteal medius, gluteal minor, and some gluteal major,as well as LTF muscle with some high grade tears. I was told that surgery to repair the high grade tears was not an option due to the severity of the atrophy. The muscles along the LS are also atrophied. I now suffer from excruciating burning bilaterally in my gluts now starting to go down my quads especially the side where the TFL is torn. I was an avid long distance walker. If this is denervation as a result of LS surgeries, is there anyway this can be reinervated? I will be scheduling an appt. for EMG as soon as possible,but would like to know if there is hope for rehabilitation if this is the case. Thank youforany input.