I have hydrocephalus (but no shunt) and paroxysmal hemicrania but over the past 3 years I've been relatively headache-free, but lately (the past month) I've had countless headaches, almost every day, and some of them have been bad enough to make me nauseous (which doesn't usually happen). My heart has also been pounding quite often without a reason and when I checked the other day my resting heart rate was 80 (it's normally around 50; I run a lot). I can't get a neurologist appt until February which is why I'm typing this. Do you think this is particularly concerning? My friend and I jokingly considered the possibility of pheochromocytoma and I know that would usually be a total joke, but considering how rare paroxysmal hemicrania is, I've pretty much come to think that nothing is impossible. Ideas?